Please enter your word count in the text box below, and select your delivery date from the dropdown menu.
Editing Services
Our prices and turnaround times vary according to your chosen service and word count. Our fast turnaround 2 day option is available up to 6000 words. We can edit either MS Word or LaTeX files.
Essential Editing
US$ 88.00
Advanced Editing
US$ 268.00
Scientific Editing
US$ $366.00
Translation Service

Our translation services are provided by specialists with qualifications in your subject or discipline, ensuring that your research, academic paper or publication maintains a consistent, accurate tone of voice, assisted by powerful semantic technologies that ensure consistency throughout.
Translation + Editing
A combination of our professional translation service with editing to meet your target journal's requirements. This includes a thorough check of spelling & grammar. A separate quality control check is also carried out before returning your assignment to you.
Charlesworth Individual Services
Cover Letter Editing
US$ 50.00
We'll edit your cover letter to ensure that the key elements in your submission are conveyed clearly, maximising the likelihood of publication.
Scientific Review
US$ 360.00
Analysis of your scientific content using our scientific review form to increase the likelihood of peer review evaluation. This does not include editing of your article.
Abstract Writing
US$ 300.00
A PhD level expert will read your article or paper and write an appropriate abstract, summarising essential facts and keywords, ideal for your target publication.
Advanced Grant Proposal Editing
US$ 209.00
Our Advanced Grant Proposal editing package includes comprehensive suggestions on how to improve the presentation and tone of your proposal by an experienced editor, with an indepth knowledge of the grant proposal process.
Essential Grant Proposal Editing
US$ 67.00
Our Essential Grant Proposal editing package is designed to improve the presentation and tone of your proposal with an experienced editor, who has an indepth knowledge of the grant proposal process.
Abstract Editing
US$ 125.00
Abstracts are incredibly important when submitting to a journal. We can edit your abstract to suit your target journal's requirements.
Figure Formatting & Editing
US$ 15.00
This service includes adjusting the text, phrasing and alignment of your figures, and ensuring your colours and fonts are legible, following your target publication's guidelines.
Prices are quoted per figure.
Figure Creation
US$ 70.00
Creation of specially designed diagrams from your descriptions, hand-drawn sketches, or concepts. Also includes graph generation from data tables and specifications indicated by authors.
Prices are quoted per figure.

AI Editing Expert
In addition to addressing AI misinterpretations, academic editors with subject matter expertise will ensure scientific accuracy, enhance readability and flow, and provide editing comments for further improvement.

AI Editing Light
Native English-speaking academic editors will eliminate any mistakes overlooked or introduced by AI and correct unnecessary edits to preserve the author’s voice whenever possible, providing a precise and accurate final document.
Plagiarism Check (via iThenticate)
US$ 100.00
Checks your article for plagiarism and self-plagiarism. This service includes a full report with recommendations.
Reference Formatting
US$ 100.00
We will structure and style your references according to your target journal style or to industry standards appropriate to your subject area.
Our Academic Services
You upload your paper via our online system. Click here to register an account if you do not have one already and log in to upload your paper.
When you log in, you can submit your manuscript by selecting 'Submit Your Paper' from the main homepage, or alternatively by selecting 'Submit New Paper' from the 'Current Orders' section of your account.
You will be asked to provide some information about your paper and the service you would like to use, prompted to read and agree to our Terms and Conditions, and then upload your paper. We can edit either MS Word or LaTeX files.
Our standard turnaround for our Charlesworth Essential and Charlesworth Advanced packages is 6 working days, and 3 working days for fast-track (10 days for Charlesworth Scientific). You may also select the 2 working day service on Essential and Advanced packages for papers under 6,000 words. Charlesworth Flexible turnaround times will vary depending on the service.
You will receive an email when you submit your paper confirming the turnaround time, and again once your paper is completed and ready to be downloaded. If you wish to change the turnaround time of your order, please contact us as soon as possible and we will be happy to help. Click here to find out more about our packages.
We edit a full range of content types, including:
• Journal papers
• Abstracts
• Books and book chapters
• Proceedings and conference papers
• Theses
• Curricula vitae
If your content type is not included here, please contact us to discuss it.
We also cover a full range of academic disciplines: Medical Sciences • Life Sciences • Physical Sciences & Engineering • Business & Economics • Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences
Yes, we do edit references, and this is included as part of our normal editing service. Please note that your references will count towards the total word count. You can also choose to exclude references if you wish.
References will be edited for compliance with the correct format of your chosen journal. However, our editors will not rewrite or switch the actual format between, for example, Harvard and Vancouver styles. If you do require this service, we offer reference formatting as part of the Charlesworth Flexible services.
We understand that many authors choose to use reference management software such as Mendeley or Endnote to generate their citations and references. We cannot guarantee that our editors will have the software to be able to edit your references using these programs. In these cases, we will not be able to edit the references, as any changes would be overwritten if the citations or references are regenerated later. We recommend that you remove the reference management software before supplying your manuscript for editing if you would like the editor to work on your references.
If you have a target journal in mind, please review the guidelines/instructions for authors on the journal website to ensure you have followed their guidelines exactly.
You are also welcome to consult our Resources page which contains information about the publishing and article writing process. If you have any questions, please contact our helpdesk team for advice. We are here to help you achieve success in getting published.
It is very common that your target journal may recommend further changes after peer review. We recognise that it can be difficult to interpret and apply these recommendations. If you chose our Charlesworth Essential service, we offer a 60% discount on re-editing your paper to accommodate the reviewers’ recommendations and any changes you made; if you chose Charlesworth Advanced or our Charlesworth Scientific service, your paper will be re-edited for free for up to 1 year from the original submission date.
We reserve the right to charge for further re-editing if the changes are extensive or have been made to comply with a different target journal’s guidelines. Click here to read our policies.
To submit your paper for re-editing, please log onto the website. From the 'Past Orders' tab of your account, locate the correct order and select 'Re-edit' to enter your details and upload your revised manuscript.
If you have any questions about the process or would like to discuss your situation in more detail, please contact our helpdesk team.
Please note that we do not accept machine-translated documents for editing. These documents are frequently very difficult to understand, and there is a high risk that any changes made could introduce errors into your text. We reserve the right to reject a paper if we suspect that it has been machine-translated. Instead, we recommend that you have your article professionally translated.
We offer translation services for authors where a professional translator with knowledge of your subject area will work with your original article in the source language and translate it into English. The translated article will then be checked by a native English-speaking editor before being returned to you. Please contact us for further details.
You can email us at or visit the Contact Us page for our full contact details.
You can check on the status of your order at any time from the ‘Current Orders’ section of your dashboard once signed in to your account. The order status appears beneath your article title – we have included a key below to help you understand the status.
If your account with us is linked to your WeChat account, you can also use our self-service query function to retrieve your order status. Please click here to scan our WeChat QR code and follow these instructions to proceed.
You will be notified via email once your order has been completed and you will be prompted to sign in to your account to access the file.
What does my order status mean?
* Order waiting for assessment: Your order has been submitted. Our helpdesk team need to assess your order to ensure it meets requirements before placing it with an editor.
* Order waiting for assessment - On hold: We have sent you a query via email and cannot proceed with editing until we have received a response from you.
* Editor selection by Admin: We have selected a suitable editor, and we are waiting for them to start working on your order.
* Your order is being edited: Your order is now being edited – your order cannot be amended or cancelled at this stage.
* QC editor selection by Admin: Your order has completed the first stage of editing, and we have now selected a suitable quality control (QC) editor to finalise the edited file.
* Your order is being checked by QC editor: Your order is now being finalised by a quality control (QC) editor.
* Admin to check and upload sample: If payment has not been received by this stage, we will upload a short sample of the full edited file for you to preview.
* Sample to author: The short sample of the full edited file is now available to preview from your account. The full file will be made available once payment has been received.
* Plagiarism check: For Scientific orders only – we are running your edited manuscript through our plagiarism checker and will upload the similarity report alongside your edited files and review form.
Once payment has been made, or if payment has been received ahead of completion, your order will automatically move to your ‘Past orders’ tab on your dashboard.

You will be notified via email once your order has been completed, and you will be prompted to sign in to your account.