Why choose Charlesworth Author Services' loyalty program?
Our loyalty program allows you to receive exclusive discounts for your researchers, as well as tailored support for your pre-publication needs and publishing goals.
Exclusive discounts
Discount thresholds based on volumes - contact us to find out more and work within your budget.
Flexible payment and accounting options to suit your institution's financial and accounting processes.
Educational support
Seminars and webinars are available to support your academics and help them to improve their writing skills.
Trusted brand
Charlesworth has been supporting world-leading academic institutions since 1928. Our 80-year history demonstrates our heritage of commitment to quality service.
Dedicated helpdesk
Dedicated customer service support from our UK and China teams.
We have been working in academic publishing services since 1928 and are a respected brand that you and your academics can trust to provide expert editing services.
How it works
You get a dedicated weblink with discount code to promote to your researchers and students.
Papers can be submitted online, 24 hours a day, and the discount will automatically be applied. Papers can be uploaded individually or in bulk.
When edits are finished, researchers and students submit their final papers to the publication of their choice.
Types of content
We can help your authors with a range of content.