At Charlesworth, we know the importance of a clear and persuasive grant proposal. We offer two academic grant proposal editing services that offer in-depth, knowledgeable assistance with the language and presentation of your proposal depending on your requirements to maximise the chance of securing the funding you are applying for.

Essential Grant Proposal
Editing Service

Starting from only


Designed for researchers who are reasonably happy with the first draft of their grant proposal and are aiming to ensure it has the best possible chances of success.

Advanced Grant Proposal
Editing Service

Starting from only


Designed for researchers who are significantly over funding guidelines' word limit and need more comprehensive guidance on reducing the word count.

Language, tone and presentation suggestions

Limited language, tone and presentation suggestions

Comprehensive language, tone and presentation suggestions

Turnaround time

6 working days

6 working days

Word count reduction

Up to 10%

Ideal if you are just over the word count limit and are seeking guidance on how to bring your word count within the funding proposal limit - without negatively affecting your content

Up to 25%

A key skill in effective proposal writing is knowing what to include and exclude; this can mean the difference between a failed or successful funding award. Our editors reduce the word count by up to 25%

Re-edit within 1 year

60% discount


Proposal suggestions

How to improve presentation and tone

Comprehensive suggestions on how to improve language and presentation

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Both grant proposal editing services are undertaken by an experienced editor with an in-depth knowledge of the grant proposal process, ensuring your proposal is clear while helping to maximise its chances of being accepted for funding.