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Writing to the Journal Editor: Seeking clarity on the status of your paper

Writing to the Journal Editor: Seeking clarity on the status of your paper 


Crafting a manuscript while meticulously following the journal's guidelines and then enduring the anxious anticipation that accompanies the peer review process can undoubtedly stir a whirlwind of emotions in researchers. 

Peer review and editorial decision-making are critical processes in publishing research. The process of editorial decision-making may slightly vary among journals. However, some common steps involved in peer review and editorial decision-making include:

• Submission

• Preliminary Evaluation

• Assignment to Editors

• Editor's Evaluation

• Peer Review

• Editorial Decision

• Author Revision

• Final Evaluation

• Final Decision

• Publication

The entire peer review and editorial process can be as long as a few weeks to a couple of months, depending on the journal and the complexity of your paper. Check the journal's website to know their timeline. Before inquiring the status of your paper, make sure you've not received any response from the journal even after the timeline. 

On an average, journals take 45 days to process and arrive at a final decision. However, if you haven’t received a response even after this time, you can write to the journal editor to ease your anxiety and gain insights into the progress of your paper. However, before reaching out to the journal editor, it is important to wait for an appropriate amount of time. Rushing the inquiry process can potentially annoy the editor team. 

Here are the steps to approach journals to inquire about the status of your manuscript:

1. Find the Right Contact

Identifying the correct contact person is crucial when inquiring about your paper's status. Look for the editor-in-chief, managing editor, or the designated contact person for inquiries regarding submissions on the journal's website. Avoid sending your email to multiple people at once.

2. Craft a Polite and Professional Email

When composing your email, remember that professionalism is the key. Here's a template you can use for reference:

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